Rahul Model Public School (August 1987)
When the first mother taught her first child the first rules of survival, the foundation of education took root upon earth, visualized her, the first mother, her animality softened by the first stirrings of tenderness and compassion, her instincts transmuted by nascent intellect into humanity and her child, hungry life, its faltering steps following hers. This then was the first incarnation of education as a pre-requisite for survival and to this day is the primary role that education play.
It was education that transformed the face of the earth. At some points at a time the level of education crossed certain limit and resulted in progress and development which in turn led to mould civilization and culture. This is the second incarnation of education as a progenitor of civilization and culture.

We have to light the lamp of knowledge in each and every home. The reasons are obvious for progress, prosperity and peace and also because every human being can not create art or science for every body but every one should have a chance to read, write and listen or watch and thereby become a part of the creative process. All those young minds which are hungry for life, which have tremendous energy locked within, which could become a great educationist must be given opportunity to prove themselves.
RAHUL MODEL PUBLIC SCHOOL has been established in August,1987 on the Public School pattern with the English medium of instructional facilities available for imparting education to the children of all sections of Delhi without any sort of discrimination , whatsoever, significantly the school has been functioning with special emphasis on education for moral values and alround development of personality of a child. The calm serene and spiritual atmosphere amidst the beautiful playground, lush green trees and flowers induces the feelings of peace and scientific temper.