Principal’s Message
Dream, Aspire, Accomplish – these three simple words with enormous characterization. The dream of ascending to the staircase of aspiration with a mission of preparing learners to meet the challenges and march ahead is the propellant force which drive me.
Academic excellence is surely the prime consideration of Rahul Model Public School. At RMPS it is our conviction that all students are capable of learning and day to day progressing and also that education becomes actually meaningful, when students are autonomous learners who construct their knowledge independently.
The curriculum is delivered through an innovative combination of class room and activity led learning.
Teachers constantly monitor the academics and personal development of each and every student. Students now have the opportunity to explore areas of learning in more depth. The curriculum interprets constant areas like Maths, Science, English, Social Studies and Technologies.
Looking beyond faces of obstacles, each step has made us large ahead to give new dimensions to the world of this unique institution. The success of any institution is measured by the achievement of its students. We are committed to provide ample intellectual stimulations to ignite young minds, to develop as responsible aware citizens of tomorrow. To strive a little harder and accept every hurdle as a challenge to reach perfection and achievement.